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Bury St Edmunds: Instagram competition launched alongside MonsterHero Safari trail

An Instagram competition has launched to coincide with the MonsterHero Safari trail that is being held around Bury St Edmunds.

For the past week, shoppers have been spotting the monsters around town and using a QR code to participate.

Now the town's business improvement district is asking participants to find their favourite creature and make their case on social media.

One of the MonsterHero characters to be found in Bury St Edmunds (39428293)
One of the MonsterHero characters to be found in Bury St Edmunds (39428293)

To take part, entrants must post a selfie with a Safari character displayed in a Bury St Edmunds shop and say why it is their favourite - tagging @Ourburysteds, #MonsterHeroSafari and #OurBuryStEds on Instagram.

And there are five £25 shopping vouchers up for grabs, which the improvement district will award after a prize draw.

The Instagram competition is free, while the MonsterHero trail is £2 - but will be free for the first 400 participants. Proceeds will go to NHS Charities Together.

Business improvement district chief executive Mark Cordell said: “There’s been a lot of early interest in the Monster Heroes but we hope by encouraging people to share pictures of the characters on their social media accounts we’ll be able to raise even more money for our NHS heroes.

“The trail is a fun and safe way to enjoy a walk around Bury St Edmunds and we’d love to see our town raise as much money as possible for the charity through our generous Safari players.”

The nationwide story-trail project ‘MonsterHero Safari’ launched last week with ten different characters displayed in the windows of town centre premises.

MonsterHero Safari can be found in Bury St Edmunds until the first week of September.

More information is available at monsterherosafari.com.