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Children from Great Barton CE Primary Academy, near Bury St Edmunds, gain insight into range of jobs during careers week

A primary school’s careers week saw a range of volunteers come to the school – including a nurse, firefighters, a vet, a scientist and an ex-professional footballer.

The children from Great Barton CE Primary Academy, near Bury St Edmunds, learned about the skills required for that profession, how the visitors got into this career, why these jobs are important and they had a chance to ask their own questions.

The visitors spoke to all classes from Reception to Year 6 and also included: a consultant, a PCSO, a physiotherapist, a recruitment business partner, a museum designer, an architect, an ex-veterinary nurse, a cat breeder, a computer programmer, a computer scientist, a parliamentary candidate and a quantity surveyor.

Computer programmer
Computer programmer
Museum designer
Museum designer

Comments from the children included ‘now I want to be a scientist’ and ‘I wanted to be a princess, but now I want to be a vet’.

Bella, 11, said: “I found it really useful to meet all of our visitors and learn about their jobs. I still haven’t decided what I want to be when I am older, but it was interesting to learn about different types of careers.”

William, nine, said “I especially enjoyed meeting Alan Lee, the ex-professional footballer. I even got his autograph on my Ipswich Town programme!”

Headteacher Claire Ratley said the week was ‘a resounding success’.

“The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the range of jobs there are out there and they came up with some particularly thoughtful questions,” she said.

She thanked the parents and other visitors who gave up their valuable time.