Stanton business Animax installs 1,000 solar panels in project with West Suffolk Council
More than 1,000 solar panels have been installed to save a company money and reduce its impact on climate change.
Animax, based in Shepherds Grove Industrial Estate near Stanton, has taken advantage of West Suffolk Council’s Solar for Business scheme.
This sees the authority pay for, own and maintain the panels. The business has access to 100 per cent of the generated renewable electricity - which is sold to them by the council.
For Animax, the 300kWp system will save the business £10,000 in its first year.
Nigel Hemphill, commercial director, said: "This is a win win for Animax.
"This will reduce our grid electricity consumption and help reduce our carbon footprint. This also allows local council savings to be pumped back into services.”
The renewable energy generated will save 80 tonnes of CO2 per year - the same as family of four catching a flight from London to New York and back 11 times.
Council Leader John Griffiths said: "We have been investing in renewable energy and other environmental improvements, generating income for services and looking at other ways that we can benefit our communities including local businesses.
“This initiative works for everyone. It delivers savings to carbon emissions, savings in energy costs to the business and an annual income stream to help fund public services. We, and the businesses that we work with, think it’s a winner and we look forward to working with more West Suffolk businesses on this important scheme.”
For more information about the scheme, visit: