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Lord of the Rings-themed family challenge, Ring Quest, returns to West Stow Country Park, near Bury St Edmunds

A popular Lord of the Rings-themed challenge which has been running for more than 20 years has returned with a new quest.

Families and fans are tasked with completing the Ring Quest to save Middle Earth at West Stow Country Park, near Bury St Edmunds and Mildenhall.

On its 22nd anniversary, the event has already been a hit since it began on Saturday, with it set to run every day of the February half-term until Sunday, from 10am to 4pm.

The popular Lord of the Rings-themed family challenge Ring Quest is back at West Stow for February half-term. Picture: Mark Westley
The popular Lord of the Rings-themed family challenge Ring Quest is back at West Stow for February half-term. Picture: Mark Westley

Lance Alexander, heritage operations manager, said: “We’ve been doing this for 22 years now and it’s still so popular with people.

“The movies are always being watched and we’re delighted that it goes down so well and that people still absolutely love it.

“In February half-term, it’s the first time in the year people are out and about so it’s a great thing to get involved in.”

Seven-year-old Leo Goodchild with Halbarad Ranger of the North. Picture: Mark Westley
Seven-year-old Leo Goodchild with Halbarad Ranger of the North. Picture: Mark Westley

Visitors can make their way to the Hobbit Hole and Mirkwood where there are the huge spiders waiting as well as an enormous dragon guarding its treasure.

You can also meet a friendly Orc and Halbarad, known as the ranger of the north, with the option to enjoy some archery.

To get involved, you can book via this link.

Claire and Vinny Fazio with Evie from Eye, exploring in Mirkwood where there are the huge spiders. Picture: Mark Westley
Claire and Vinny Fazio with Evie from Eye, exploring in Mirkwood where there are the huge spiders. Picture: Mark Westley
Gandalf with Ivan and Rafe Scales. Picture: Mark Westley
Gandalf with Ivan and Rafe Scales. Picture: Mark Westley
Jude, Annette, Vincent and Jack from Lakenheath with a friendly Orc. Picture: Mark Westley
Jude, Annette, Vincent and Jack from Lakenheath with a friendly Orc. Picture: Mark Westley
Five-year-old Rosie and nine-year-old Jensen from Bury on the Ring Quest. Picture: Mark Westley
Five-year-old Rosie and nine-year-old Jensen from Bury on the Ring Quest. Picture: Mark Westley
Evie Fazio, 12, with a spider in Mirkwood. Picture: Mark Westley
Evie Fazio, 12, with a spider in Mirkwood. Picture: Mark Westley

Alternatively, arrive at the park between 10am and 4pm, standard admission charges apply, plus £2 for the Ring Quest pack.