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Plans for a bungalow in Bury St Edmunds near to site of former medieval hospital and saint’s cemetery has been refused

Plans for a detached two bed bungalow in Bury St Edmunds near to the site of a former medieval hospital and cemetery of a saint have been refused.

The application, submitted by Ms Clarissa Corfe, stated that in building the L-shaped bungalow and parking area for one vehicle, a historic curtilage listed wall would need to be partially demolished to create a four-metre-wide access onto Beech Rise.

The proposed application site formed part of the back garden space of 6 Southgate Green, a Grade II Listed building.

Plans for a bungalow in Bury St Edmunds near to the site of a former medieval hospital and cemetery of a saint has been refused. Picture: Google Street View
Plans for a bungalow in Bury St Edmunds near to the site of a former medieval hospital and cemetery of a saint has been refused. Picture: Google Street View

The site is based within land associated with the medieval hospital and cemetery of St Petronilla which dates back to the 12th century. Historic mapping shows a cemetery in the area of the site which was within a walled garden.

The same wall which was proposed to be partially demolished is curtilage listed to 6 Southgate Green and likely related to the remains of St Petronilla.

The delegated report also said the site is within the Bury Town Centre Conservation Area.

The plans were refused for a number of reasons.

They included that proposals for development should recognise key features, characteristics, landscape/townscape character, local distinctiveness and special qualities of the area.

It should also demonstrate a clear understanding of the significance of the building and its setting.

Additionally, the development should contribute to the preservation of the building and should not be detrimental to the building’s character or historic features.

The decision notice by West Suffolk Council said a detailed heritage impact assessment has not been provided and the applicant has failed to demonstrate a clear understanding of the significance of the affected heritage assets. The proposal fails to preserve or enhance the setting, character and appearance of the conservation area, listed building and wall.