Good Morning Suffolk: Bury St Edmunds artisan ready meal brand has new home
The Good Morning Suffolk podcast brings you some of the top news highlights every Monday morning.
This episode is presented by SuffolkNews reporter Cameron Reid, who is usually joined by Sam Harrison.
Here are some time stamps to help you navigate the episode.
At 3.06, we asked: What is your favourite film scene?
Then at 5.22, an artisan ready meal brand of an award-winning Bury St Edmunds restaurant has found a new home – across the street.
An American fast food restaurant chain is to open its second drive-through in the UK at its new branch in Barton Mills near Mildenhall - learn more at 7.54.
At 9.59, we shared some upcoming Suffolk events in Bury St Edmunds to keep an eye out for.
Rounding off the episode, Cameron gives his recommendation on something you should try at 14.46.
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