Resident who left household waste next to a public bin in Thetford has been fined £300
A resident who left a pile of household waste next to a public bin has been fined £300 for fly tipping.
A large amount of packaging and household waste was left by the bin on Mallow Road in Thetford.
The recent incident was reported online to Breckland Council by several members of the public within a few hours.
The council's enforcement team tracked down the culprit who, in the face of overwhelming evidence, opted to pay the fine.
According to the council, online reporting by residents helps it to capture evidence effectively and clear the waste quickly, ensuring a higher rate of success in capturing fly tippers in the community and less pollution risk to the local environment and public.
Cllr Gordon Bambridge, Breckland Council's executive member for environmental services and public protection, said: "Public bins are for waste created while residents and visitors are out and about.
"It's certainly not for household waste and anything left by the side of a public bin is considered fly tipping by the law.
"I hope this case will now act as a reminder that fly tipping in Breckland is not wanted by residents, nor by Breckland Council and when we find an incident like this we will investigate to help protect our environment for future generations."
Residents can report fly tipping in Breckland at