Great Barton CE Primary Academy near Bury St Edmunds marks the Coronation with a garden project
A school has honoured the Coronation of King Charles III with a project focusing on nature – a key passion of the King’s.
Great Barton CE Primary Academy in Great Barton, near Bury St Edmunds, has created a Coronation garden, with one side themed red, white and blue and the other side is bee friendly.
Headteacher Claire Ratley said in honour of the Coronation of King Charles III, the school gardening club along with Tim Page, from Wildside, and David Mouncey, a parent volunteer, worked really hard to create the new Coronation garden.
Our pictures were taken at an open garden event yesterday.
“We wouldn't have been able to complete this without the generous donations from members of the school and village community, plus all of the plants which were donated by Chedburgh Plant Centre,” said Mrs Ratley.
“The children started the afternoon by singing a Coronation song and then they participated in a range of activities, whilst parents and members of the community visited the garden.
“Thank you to the PTFA [Parent Teacher Friends Association] for organising refreshments. It was a real community event and we even managed to get through it without any rain!”
The children said that their favourite activity was ‘dancing around the maypole’.
Cecily, in Year 5, said: "It was a really good event which brought the whole village together.”