Snapshot Suffolk: Your best pictures from the past week
With lockdown limitations easing, our readers have made the most of greater freedom to take pictures this past week.
In our competition Snapshot Suffolk, we are challenging you to take a picture out and about in your area.
The winner will receive a £20 Love2Shop voucher along with a six-month pass for our digital app.
This week's captions
Lyndsey Lancee spotted this funnel cloud on the way to a night shift at Sainsbury’s near her house in Haverhill.
Also in Haverhill, Kate Marsh spotted a fox and a muntjac deer. Kate said the altercation ended with the deer springing over the fox and running away to safety.
A sparrowhawk taken in Newmarket by Michael Tancock.
Phil Faircloth spotted a dunnock in his Cowlidge garden.
Phil Faircloth also sent us this shot of St Edmundsbury Cathedral.
Kerri Anna Childs was in West Stow Park, walking with her three children
How to enter
To share your images follow us on Instagram @buryfreepress, Twitter @buryfree and Facebook and tag your posts using #SnapshotSuffolk
You can also email pictures to us at with Snapshot Suffolk as the subject.
Please include a caption telling us a little bit about the image as well as your name and where you are from.
The picture needs to have been taken in Suffolk and please only send one picture per post. Send your pictures to us before lockdown ends and please make sure you follow all government guidelines if taking a picture out and about.
The entries will be judged by the Bury Free Press editor Barry Peters and we will have one main prize, of a £20 Love2Shop voucher along with a six-month pass for our digital app.
If you are entering and are under 16, please make sure you have your parents' permission to enter and please tell us your age on the entry.