West Suffolk taxi drivers applaud fares increase as compromise reached with council
Taxi drivers applauded as councillors agreed to long-called for increases in fares.
A compromise proposal submitted to West Suffolk Council's licensing and regulatory meeting on behalf of West Suffolk Hackney drivers was for an increase from £3.80 to £5.00 for one mile between 6am and midnight, with each subsequent mile costing approximately £2.10. This proposal was mainly to offset rises in fuel costs, as well as the cost of living.
These increases were higher than those proposed in West Suffolk Council’s review, which suggested that fares for one mile between 6am and midnight should be increased to £4.40.
Rob Dorling, a West Suffolk Hackney driver, said at the meeting: “Four months ago, I asked for an emergency rise in taxi rates due to present conditions. Andy Drummond, county councillor for Newmarket and Red Lodge, was not interested.
“Drivers at the moment are earning five pounds an hour. In view of costs, I do not know how anybody can be serious about five pounds.
“I have proposed a minimum compromise of £4.60 per mile. If we have an annual review alongside this, we may be able to keep some taxi drivers in the town.”
The licensing officer setting out West Suffolk Council’s review said: “It is important that the increase in fares does not prejudice against the residents who need to use taxis to get around day to day.”
Responding to the officer's presentation, Conservative councillor Karen Soons pointed to 'gaps in the calculations', including the fact that the fuel costs mentioned in the report were taken from June 20 – rather than taking an average for the year and considering the rate of likely future price increases.
Conservative councillor Brian Harvey agreed: “Fuel costs are jumping exponentially. We cannot allow an organisation that is supporting our community to be making a loss.”
The proposal agreed unanimously was to implement the fare increases requested by West Suffok Hackney drivers, along with two amendments: that the consultation period is cut from the proposed 23 days in the West Suffolk Council’s review to the statutory minimum of 14 days, so the fare increase could begin sooner, and that the fares are reviewed every six months.
Under the agreed compromise proposal, the first mile for taxis carrying fewer than five passengers will cost £5 and each subsequent mile will cost approximately £2.10 between 6am and midnight on non-bank holidays.
The first mile for taxis carrying fewer than five passengers will cost £7.50 and each subsequent mile will cost approximately £3.15 between midnight and 6am, on public holidays, and between 6pm and midnight on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
The first mile for taxis carrying fewer than five passengers will cost £10 and each subsequent mile will cost approximately £4.20 from midnight on Christmas Eve to midnight on Boxing Day, and from midnight on New Year’s Eve to midnight on New Year’s Day.
Independent councillor for West Suffolk Council Jason Crooks was speaking as a Haverhill taxi driver. He said after the vote: “I am absolutely delighted that the committee agreed with our proposal.
"We asked for a rise in December 2021 and it has taken all this time to get it, but we are very pleased that the councillors listened to us.
"The quicker it can be implemented, the better.”
The proposed fares will be the maximum that taxi drivers in West Suffolk can charge, and drivers will be permitted to charge less if they choose to.