Three brothers from Mildenhall make mum 'super-proud' by raising more than £700 for a hedgehog sanctuary with a half-term litter pick
Three brothers have been doing their bit for the environment while raising more than £700 for a hedgehog sanctuary.
Kaiden Hoskins, eight, and brothers, Luca, five and Alyx, three, spent last week litter picking in Mildenhall , where they live.
Kaiden wanted something to do during half-term and thought litter picking would be a good idea.
Luca, meanwhile, who loves hedgehogs after visiting Karen’s Hedgehospital in Brandon, thought they should try to raise some money while they were at it.
So the trio set about finding sponsorship and started a fundraising page called: Kiddies sponsored litter pick for the hoggies
The brothers, who go to Great Heath Academy, have so far raised £710 towards their £750 target.
They collected everything from drink cans, to bottles takeaway boxes to face masks and a pair of shoes.
The boys were helped on their way by their local West Suffolk councillor, Richard Alecock, who sorted them out with some hi-vis jackets and litter pickers through the councils ‘Love where you live’ scheme.
Mum Jessica, said: "Kaiden has always got upset by the amount of litter around and during half-term he wanted to do something about.
"Luca has a love of hedgehogs after we found one out in the daylight last summer and took it to Karen who was able to treat it, fatten it up and release in someone's garden.
"He is so kind and caring as is always asking about the hogs so we had a chat together and agreed to try and do two good deeds on one and raise some money as Karen desperately needs her purpose built extension.
"They all said litter picking was smelly and hard work but totally worth doing to raise lots and lots of money to save the hedgehogs who are in big need of our help to survive.
"I am super proud of them."
You can still donate to the boys fund by visiting their page at, here .
Read more: All the latest news from Mildenhall
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