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Bury St Edmunds Town Council agrees to spend £3,500 on new links and collar for mayoral chain

A town council is to spend £3,500 to purchase more silver links for the mayoral chain of office to ensure ‘longevity’ and keep it ‘modern’.

Bury St Edmunds Town Council granted the money at last month’s meeting on November 29.

The chain, which was introduced in 2003, is made up of links which have each mayor’s name engraved on it. It was decided as this year comes to a close, to have the chain sent off to have more links made as there were only two left, as well as make a collar so it can be better secured to the mayor. The money would also go towards buying a new case to protect the chain.

The mayoral chains have been sent away so that additional links and a collar can be made. Pictured: Cllr Diane Hind, mayor of Bury St Edmunds. Picture: Mark Westley
The mayoral chains have been sent away so that additional links and a collar can be made. Pictured: Cllr Diane Hind, mayor of Bury St Edmunds. Picture: Mark Westley

Cllr Diane Hind, mayor of Bury St Edmunds, said: “It’s about making it more modern and this is the time to do it because we need extra links so we’re doing it now at the end of the year before the price goes up.

“We’re doing it now to give it longevity because I’m sure we won’t need to think about getting another chain for probably 10 years.”