Travellers move to Moreton Hall - in breach of High Court injunction
Travellers who moved on to Bury St Edmunds’ Moreton Hall estate overnight are in breach of a court injunction, a council has confirmed.
Ten caravans left private land in Rushbrooke Lane, Bury, at around 8.45pm last night and moved on to the Heldhaw Road playing field, on Moreton Hall.
St Edmundsbury Borough Council has pre-emptive injunctions from the High Court to prevent travellers illegally camping on council-owned town centre car parks and Moreton Hall open spaces.
A spokeswoman said: “Council officers have made them aware the area’s covered by an injunction and they’re in contempt of court by being there and the severity of possible penalties, the forfeiture of vehicles etc.
“They’ve said they plan to fit towbars and move to Scotland tomorrow but the borough council is beginning legal proceedings.”
Cllr Frank Warby, who represents Moreton Hall on the town and borough councils, said: “It’s frustrating - we do everything to try and keep it clean and tidy to get it ready for the football season and, now we’re at the start of it, they’re driving all over the field.”
He added: “It’s annoying to the people there. It’s the summer holidays and the kids can’t play football because the travellers are there. The pitches are going to be ruined by caravans driving all over it.”
It is thought the group came to Bury from Kesgrave, near Ipswich, about three weeks ago.
A spokeswoman for Suffolk Police said: “We are aware of this and are monitoring the situation.”