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UPDATE: Police and fire service to investigate explosion in Bury St Edmunds

The scene of an explosion in The Vinefields, Bury St Edmunds. ANL-151022-101806001
The scene of an explosion in The Vinefields, Bury St Edmunds. ANL-151022-101806001

A man was taken to hospital following an explosion in a block of flats in Bury St Edmunds last night.

Two fire engines and police responded to reports of an explosion in The Vinefields, off Eastgate Street, at about 9.05pm.

The scene of the fire in Vinefields in Bury St Edmunds this evening
The scene of the fire in Vinefields in Bury St Edmunds this evening

A member of the public reported seeing the windows of a flat being blown out.

A spokesman for Suffolk Fire and Rescue said there was a fire in a ground floor flat and there was heavy smoke logging in the flat above. The incident was under control by 10.11pm.

Initially the incident was believed to have been caused by a gas leak but National Grid have ruled this out.

Havebury Housing Partnership, which manages the property, said the early signs are that it was due to ‘an escape of gas from the tenant’s own portable gas appliance rather than a failure of the main gas supply’.

The scene of the fire in Vinefields in Bury St Edmunds this evening
The scene of the fire in Vinefields in Bury St Edmunds this evening

Suffolk Police and Fire Service are due to investigate today.

Last night, a spokesman for Suffolk Police said: “A gentleman has come home, put on a light and that’s what has caused the explosion.

“No-one has been seriously injured and the occupant of the flat is being treated at the scene by the ambulance service.

“We’ve not had to evacuate neighbouring premises and there is no structural damage.”

A spokesman for the East of England Ambulance Service said the man suffered minor injuries and was taken to West Suffolk Hospital for treatment.

They sent an ambulance officer, ambulance crews and a hazardous area response team.

Matthew Dick, head of assets at Havebury Housing Partnership, said: “Following the explosion, we are awaiting the results of the fire investigation.

“However, the early signs are that this was due to an escape of gas from the tenant’s own portable gas appliance rather than a failure of the main gas supply.

“We can confirm that the property had an up-to-date Landlord’s Gas Safety Certificate.”

“Havebury is offering assistance to those residents affected by the incident. The flat in question has not suffered serious structural damage but will require significant work before the tenant can return.

“We would like to remind all residents that they are responsible for the safe operation and correct maintenance of any gas appliance that they own.

“We strongly recommend that portable gas appliances with their own gas cylinders are never operated inside the home.”