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Bury St Edmunds and Bardwell Bakery, Wooster’s, furious over planned electricity cut at its main production site in Riddlesworth

Furious bakers have been left hot under the collar over a planned power cut.

Wooster’s Bakery has announced the planned cut tomorrow will mean it will have to close all of its branches, including School Lane, Bardwell and Langton Place, Bury St Edmunds, the following day, on Saturday.

UK Power Networks is planning the power cut in the IP22 area on Friday between 9am and 3.30pm to carry out ‘essential tree cutting work’.

Wooster's Baakery is being forced to close all of its branches on Saturday. Pictures: Chris Morris
Wooster's Baakery is being forced to close all of its branches on Saturday. Pictures: Chris Morris

Wooster’s main production site in Riddlesworth, Norfolk, will be hit, which means it won’t be able to produce its award winning range of artisan bread, cakes and pastries for the following day, as usual.

Wooster’s said on Facebook: “UKPN have been incredibly, frustratingly unhelpful with a planned power cut at the bakery site tomorrow.

“This means we are shut at all venues this Saturday the 3rd.

A sign in the window at the Bury St Edmunds branch in Langton Place
A sign in the window at the Bury St Edmunds branch in Langton Place

“I have not taken this decision lightly.

“I won’t ramble on too much about the fact that I’m losing the takings of the biggest selling day of the week, amounting to thousands.

“But what does concern me most of all is their total lack of flexibility or any want to work with me as a small business.

“They simply would not even have a conversation about moving the day to carry out the trimming of branches near power lines. I am however aware this is necessary work.

Will Wooster, Wooster's Bakery. Picture: Mark Westley
Will Wooster, Wooster's Bakery. Picture: Mark Westley

“This unyielding stance of theirs makes me worry that this is likely to happen again and I cannot afford to lose such a large amount of income.

“A generator was discussed but the disruption to operations is heavy and the cost phenomenal, even with their offer of paying half I still operate a substantial loss.

“I’ll be contacting our MP for South Norfolk to get his thoughts on the matter.”

Wooster’s Bakery is run by Will Wooster.

Last year, it was recognised as among the best pastry producers in the world after being included in La Liste’s Pastry Awards 2024.

It also won recognition from the Good Food Guide and The Times as being among the UK’s best bakeries.

Wooster’s also supplies a range of restaurants, cafés, farm shops and specialist retailers.

A spokesman for UK Power Networks, said: “"UK Power Networks teams are carrying out essential tree cutting work to prevent power cuts happening in future.

"This will interrupt power supplies for 21 customers in the Riddlesworth area on Friday 2nd from 9am until approximately 2.30 - 3.30pm, but if possible electricity will be returned sooner.

"These customers have already been notified.

"We apologise for any inconvenience caused and would remind business customers and have offered the customer extra help.

“We would remind all customers who rely on power for commercial reasons, to invest in back-up supplies for occasional use when needed."