Sponsored content: Dealing with ACL damage
The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) is one of the main stabilising ligaments of the knee joint.
With that in mind, it is often one of the most commonly injured ligaments during sport.
The injury can be quite specific, often involving twisting with the foot planted.
This type of injury is often seen within football, netball, skiing and rugby.
Signs you may have damaged your ACL:
1) Immediate swelling at time of injury
2) Struggling to weight bear through the affected side
3) Sensations of instability or giving way
What to do if you suspect you’ve injured your ACL:
Firstly, if you are in pain with your knee please consult a GP before taking further action.
Secondly, there are a number of options in terms of treatment. For an examination and recommendation, you can see a Physiotherapist.
Within our team Sophie Perrio has a particular interest in managing ACL conditions.
Have you recently undergone ACL reconstructive surgery?
If you have recently undergone ACL surgery or have had previous surgery and not met your rehabilitation goals. We can help guide you through the process.
Call to speak to our clinician Sophie, to see whether we can help you further.
West Suffolk Physio
01284 713721