A retirement home has been placed under special measures by the Care Quality Commission, who took the action to ‘protect people’.
A businessman has agreed to fund a school initiative aimed at ensuring children receive the best start to a day.
A town’s swimming pool was officially reopened today following an investment, by South Norfolk Council, of nearly £4 million.
A woman, who was told her fat saved her life in a serious hit-and-run incident nearly 20 years ago, has lost four stone to hit her target weight.
Campaigners, who spent four years fighting a controversial biogas plant in their village, are celebrating after its demolition got under way.
Police are continuing to investigate a fatal house fire which happened in Norwich.
A new study has revealed where the worst places for mobile phone signals are in Norfolk.
Poignant artwork depicting soldiers and poppies helped a Diss business win a major accolade for a stunning window display.