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Linton Village College principal and trust delighted with Ofsted findings

Linton Village College (LVC) has been praised by Ofsted inspectors for the improvement of its curriculum, student behaviour and special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) provision.

The recent monitoring inspection by the education watchdog reviewed the progress the school, which is attended by a number of Haverhill-based students, has made since its last inspection in July.

Stefanie Lipinski-Barltrop, Her Majesty’s Inspector commended the development of the curriculum and said that ‘leaders have thought carefully about the important knowledge that students should learn in all subject areas and the order in which to teach it.’

Linton Village College principal, Helena Marsh pictured with some of her students. The college has just received a positive report from Ofsted. Picture by Richard Marsham
Linton Village College principal, Helena Marsh pictured with some of her students. The college has just received a positive report from Ofsted. Picture by Richard Marsham

She also praised the improvement in behaviour across the school, saying: "School leaders have recently reviewed the school’s behaviour policy and have taken action to increase the consistency with which staff respond to poor behaviour."

The report also said: "Provision for students with SEND has improved. The special educational needs coordinator provides useful information for teachers, which they include in their planning."

Helena Marsh, LVC principal, said: “We are incredibly proud of the comments made in our latest Ofsted monitoring inspection, which reflect the hard work and dedication of all our staff over the last 18 months.

Jonathan Culpin, CEO, Anglian Learning
Jonathan Culpin, CEO, Anglian Learning

“It is great to have Ofsted’s recognition of the progress that has been made in such a short time frame.

"I am proud of how the College community has pulled together to making great strides in improving the school, in addition to successfully managing significant educational disruption.

“While we know we still have some areas to embed and improve, if we continue on this trajectory with the support of Anglian Learning, we are confident that we will continue to gain the recognition from Ofsted that our community deserves.”

LVC joined multi academy trust, Anglian Learning in April 2020. The trust has schools in Suffolk and Cambridgeshire.

Two new assistant principals, a new director of inclusion and three new subject leaders were appointed in September 2020.

Jonathan Culpin, CEO of Anglian Learning, said: “We are very pleased with the results of the recent monitoring inspection at Linton Village College.

"The college’s success demonstrates our trust’s commitment to supporting dynamic and empowered learners who thrive and lead in their communities.

"We have really enjoyed being a key part of the college’s journey so far and look forward to an exciting future.”

For more information about Linton Village College, please visit.

Tickets are available for the school’s Open Evening tomorrow (Thursday, October 7) and morning tours the week commencing October 11 and 18 via the school’s website and social media channels.