Imperial War Museum Duxford welcomes a special visitor
The RAF Baton relay visited the Imperial War Museum in Duxford on Sunday as part of the RAF centenary commemorations.
The relay team, with the specially-designed baton, were welcomed by IWM's John Brown, executive director, commercial Services and operations on the airfield next to a rare Mark I Supermarine Spitfire.
John Brown said: “We were delighted to welcome the RAF Centenary Baton Relay team to IWM Duxford today.
"Visitors were pleased to see the baton at Duxford, which opened under the auspices of the newly-formed Royal Air Force in 1918.
"Today’s event is the start of IWM Duxford’s activities in partnership with the RAF centenary, culminating with the Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 September.”
IWM Duxford’s activities in partnership with the RAF Centenary culminate with the Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show (Saturday, September 22 and Sunday 23), bringing to life Duxford’s finest hour as an important Second World War fighter station defending Great Britain from aerial attack in 1940. The roar of Spitfires and Hurricanes over Duxford’s historic airfield make this a hugely engaging historic experience and a great British day out for 2018.
The flying display will showcase not only the famous historic aircraft of the RAF but will also present its modern capabilities with contemporary aircraft in service today.
For further information on the Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show go to: