Haverhill police’s Road Casualty Reduction Day aims to achieve exactly what its title says
After previously raising awareness of the dangers posed by people riding motorbikes irresponsibly in Haverhill, the police are to host a Road Casualty Reduction Day in the town.
The day is being co-ordinated by Pc Jack Oakley, from the Haverhill Community Police Team, who earlier this year raised the issue of people riding motorbikes, often dirt bikes, around the town in a dangerous manner, with no safety equipment, MoT or insurance.
The event, due to run in Market Square from 10am-2pm on Sunday, July 28, will also link in to the Suffolk Police ‘Fatal Four’ campaign, which runs throughout July and is led by the Roads and Armed Policing Team.
The campaign targets the fatal four offences throughout the county: excess speed; using a mobile phone; failing to wear a seatbelt; drink and drug driving.
Pc Oakley said: “It fits in very nicely with Suffolk police Fatal Four campaign month which is in July.
“The Roads and Armed Policing Team are attending with information on SafeRider which the Constabulary run to improve the skills of bikers and prevent road death.
“A police motorcycle, educational mini moto and the 'close pass' stand will show how much room a cycle safely needs when passing.
“It is aimed mainly at bikes due to recent issues but has a strong Fatal Four road safety theme with plenty of road safety freebies, think biker stickers, key rings, leaflets on various bike safety schemes and a limited number of 'crash cards' which a doctor from DocBike (doctor on a motorbike), has helped with.”
The crash cards record the biker’s details, medication, next of kin and allergies and are placed in the safety helmet with a marker on the outside alerting medical staff to the fact the rider is carrying it.
Pc Oakley, who has also worked with the town’s schools to raise the issue of motorcycling safety, also has the ambulance service/Community First Responders and a firebike from Suffolk Fire & Rescue Service attending.