The Suffolk restaurants and businesses handed low food hygiene ratings in recent inspections, with locations in Ipswich, Sudbury, Haverhill and Newmarket
When choosing a restaurant or picking a takeaway, you probably want to know if you are in safe hands in terms of quality and hygiene.
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) works with local authorities to enforce food safety rules and award star-ratings to businesses, giving residents an indication of the cleanliness and hygiene.
Here's a list of the Suffolk eateries handed a one or zero star rating after recent inspections.
Our last article covering hygiene ratings can be found here.
New Maharaja – Haverhill
Our first eatery, in Haverhill, was inspected on April 20.
New Maharaja, in High Street, was given a one-star rating by the FSA.
Both hygienic food handling and cleanliness and condition of facilities required improvements, while major improvements were needed for management of food safety.
Al Hidayah – Newmarket
Our next business is Al Hidayah, a grocery store in Newmarket’s Wellington Street.
Inspectors noted major improvements were needed in terms of cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building, as well as management of food safety, in a visit dated April 27.
In addition, improvements were also necessary in hygienic food handling.
The store was handed the lowest possible rating, zero stars.
Marriott Fisheries – Aldeburgh
This fishmonger on Aldeburgh’s seafront was handed a one-star hygiene rating on June 28.
Inspectors noted major improvements were needed regarding management of food safety.
In addition, hygienic food handling and cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building also needed improvements.
Good Taste Chinese Takeaway – Ipswich
Sitting next to the Brunswick Road Post Office, this Ipswich eatery was visited on July 27.
Major improvements were needed in terms of both hygienic food handling and cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building.
However, management of food safety was generally satisfactory.
But, the body was not impressed with Good Taste Chinese, and handed it a one-star rating.
Kim’s Bulgogi – RAF Lakenheath
Over to RAF Lakenheath, where we find our next business.
Kim’s Bulgogi is a national Korean takeaway chain with an outlet on the base.
The FSA found major improvements were necessary for management of food safety, while improvements were also needed in terms of hygienic food handling and cleanliness and condition of the facilities.
It was handed a one-star rating.
Strawberry Stores – Sudbury
This Ballingdon Street convenience store has been in operation since 1987, and was inspected on July 7.
Improvements were necessary in both hygienic food handling and cleanliness and condition of the facilities and building.
However, major improvements were needed in management of food safety.
The body handed it a one-star rating.
Understanding the ratings
The hygienic food handling category includes the preparation, cooking, re-heating, cooling and storage of foods.
Cleanliness and condition of facilities and building relates to the restaurant itself, including having appropriate layout, ventilation, hand washing facilities and pest control, to enable good food hygiene.
The management of food safety category relates to systems or checks in place, including paperwork, to ensure food sold or served is safe to eat, as well as evidence that staff know about food safety.