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Kesgrave High School GCSE results: 75 per cent pass rate as pupils tell of their experiences

Pupils at Kesgrave High School cemented their path to success as they celebrated some stellar GCSE results.

Their hard work and determination paid off as 75 per cent of pupils gained at least a grade 5 in maths and English, while 24 per cent secured all grades between 7 and 9.

Headteacher Julia Upton said: “We’re really thrilled with the GCSE results this year. It’s always a nervous day, with both parents and pupils are worried about receiving those results.

“It’s particularly impressive when you see the journey they’ve been on. We see them develop from Year 7 through to Year 11, they’re working really hard. We want all the hard work they’ve put in to bear fruit and what that means for those students in terms of the foundations they’ve set.”

One of the top earners at Kesgrave High School was Milo Hunt.

He secured level 9 in all subjects – despite having to commute from Norwich for much of the year as he and his family now live there.

Milo Hunt was one of two top earners - despite his commute from Norwich; pictured alongside mum, Cassie Jackson. Picture: Ash Jones
Milo Hunt was one of two top earners - despite his commute from Norwich; pictured alongside mum, Cassie Jackson. Picture: Ash Jones

He’s off to study maths, further maths, chemistry and physics in Wymondham.

“I’m feeling as expected,” Milo said. “I was expecting a few nines but I’m very happy with what I got in the end.

“I was confident – I surprised myself with my first mocks [exams] and since then, everything has come naturally to me.”

Milo said school was difficult due to his commute.

Julia Upton is the headteacher of Kesgrave High School. Picture: Ash Jones
Julia Upton is the headteacher of Kesgrave High School. Picture: Ash Jones

However, he has his eyes on studying maths at the University of Cambridge, with ambitions to work in finance.

Milo’s mum, Dr Cassie Jackson, said she was proud of Milo’s results.

“He works hard, always has worked hard, studied every day for hours, so he got what he deserved from my perspective,” she said.

Pupils at Kesgrave High School are celebrating their results. Picture: Ash Jones
Pupils at Kesgrave High School are celebrating their results. Picture: Ash Jones

“As a family, we’ve always ensured our boys have a good work ethic, I’ve never had to nag him to study because he does it. He always has his eyes on the future.”

Our interview with Milo and Cassie can be viewed above.

The other top-earner at Kesgrave High School was Katie Christison, who also secured 11 grade 9s.

Katie Christison was one of the two best performers in her year. Picture: Ash Jones
Katie Christison was one of the two best performers in her year. Picture: Ash Jones

She felt she ‘did better than she thought she would’.

Katie said: “The process of revising for exams was stressful – I’m glad they’re over now.

“I quite enjoyed school, I liked learning new things. Maths and science were probably my favourite subjects.”

Katie will remain at Kesgrave for Sixth Form, where she plans to study maths, further maths, physics and chemistry.

She told SuffolkNews she was unsure on her long-term goals, but she did want to go to university to study one of her chosen A-level subjects.

Louis Hood (right) and Logan Sennett (left) with his grades. Picture: Ash Jones
Louis Hood (right) and Logan Sennett (left) with his grades. Picture: Ash Jones

Louis Hood gained nine grade 9s, one grade 8 and one grade 7 in his GCSEs.

He described exams as a ‘tricky period’, but he managed to pull through in the end, with high enough grades for him to be happy with.

He also plans to stay on at Kesgrave Sixth Form to study maths, further maths, physics and music, with ambitions to do maths or music at university.

A jazz musician in his spare time, he is unsure what he wants to do for a living, but suggested being a professor or composer.

Kesgrave High School. Picture: Ash Jones
Kesgrave High School. Picture: Ash Jones

Louis said: “I got about the grades I was predicted by teachers, so I’m not let down with my results anyway.

“I did enjoy learning in classes and while exams were hard, it was nice to know that, after each one, it was finished and you didn’t have to do them again.”

Iona Taite said she was really happy to receive her results – and said she got higher than she expected.

Iona Tait secured eight grade 9s. Picture: Ash Jones
Iona Tait secured eight grade 9s. Picture: Ash Jones

She opened her results packet to find eight grade 9s, two grade 8s and a grade 7.

She’s off to One Sixth Form to do art, something she said she really enjoyed.

Andrew McCormick gained two grade 9s, two 8s, three 7s, one 6, one 5 and a distinction.

Andrew McCormick with his grades. Picture: Ash Jones
Andrew McCormick with his grades. Picture: Ash Jones

He said he was ‘quite happy’ with his results, particularly with his 9 in maths, which he expected.

“I thought the exams were quite nice. They weren’t anything bad. I like maths and I enjoyed those exams.

“I did find it hard to keep going revising, but thinking of the bigger picture – to find the motivation – helped.”

He’s staying at Kesgrave to do maths, further maths, physics and computing.

Ibrahim Irbash also picked up his grades today. Picture: Ash Jones
Ibrahim Irbash also picked up his grades today. Picture: Ash Jones

Ibrahim Irbash felt very happy with his results, securing four grade 8s, four 7s, one 6 and a merit.

He said chemistry and psychology were his favourite subjects.

He will also stay at Kesgrave for Sixth Form in chemistry, psychology, biology and law.

James Day with his grades. Picture: Ash Jones
James Day with his grades. Picture: Ash Jones

James Day said he struggled with timings on some of the exams, although he broadly got the grades he wanted.

He’s also staying at Kesgrave for Sixth Form, studying chemistry, physics and maths as well as an extended project qualification.

James secured two grade 9s, five 8s, one 7, one 6 and one grade 4, which should fuel his ambitions of becoming a pilot.

Logan Sennett earned four grade 5s, three 6s, two 7s and one grade 4.

“I did a lot better than I was expecting, but I am happy with how I did,” Logan said.

He is also staying on at Kesgrave Sixth Form, with ambitions to become a doctor.

Ms Upton praised the students for their hard work, despite disruption due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

She added; “The Sixth Form is different but we’re pleased to welcome many students back, with them getting that benefit of it being at a school they know very well and can continue to support them in terms of their needs.”

Ms Upton said there have been a few years where it was impossible to compare one year to the next.

“Standards are back to normal, but I still think we have to be wary – this generation has experienced something that the generations before them, in 2019, hadn’t done in terms of disruption.

“It’s definitely still an improving picture for us with super results, even better than last year.”

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