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The art of photography Bury’s photographic society

Phil Jowers' Attack by Alien Saucer Thwarted shows his border collie Moss leaping for a frisbee on Dunwich Beach
Phil Jowers' Attack by Alien Saucer Thwarted shows his border collie Moss leaping for a frisbee on Dunwich Beach

Most people now own a digital camera, even if only on a phone, but the majority cannot take photography to the level of an art form.

But Bury St Edmunds Photographic Society (BSEPS) is open to all those who want to take that step, whether they are novices,amateurs or professionals. This is the first in a regular series of articles showcasing their skills.

Peter Benson's Rectangles and Triangles, first in the colour print class, was taken at 3am on the Thames Path near London Bridge
Peter Benson's Rectangles and Triangles, first in the colour print class, was taken at 3am on the Thames Path near London Bridge

Through practical demonstrations, competitions, lectures or just by talking to others about photography, the society’s aim is to encourage the development of photographic skills and the appreciation of photography.

It meets on Thursdays at 7.30pm at Newbury Community Centre, St Olaves Road, Bury St Edmunds, where its programme is a mix of lectures, practical workshops/club evenings and competitions and its season finishes with an annual dinner and prize-giving in May.

In the 2016-7 season there are 14 competitions, with members split into intermediate and advanced and their pictures judged by external judges.

The pictures here are from BSEPS’ February Spring Open competition in which members could enter two images of any subject into classes for projected digital image, print colour or print mono. It attracted 71 entries.

Paul Smith's patience at Lackford Lakes resulted in The Kingfisher and the Dragonfly - though he says this was the only shot in which bird and insect were sharp
Paul Smith's patience at Lackford Lakes resulted in The Kingfisher and the Dragonfly - though he says this was the only shot in which bird and insect were sharp

Committee member Dale Reynolds joined in 2011 to learn more about his camera.

He recalls: “I found the members very friendly and helpful and the standard and quality of the images I saw was amazing.

“This inspired me to find out more about camera techniques and image processing.

“Entering competitions was a great way of getting constructive criticism about my photos.”

Nigel Ladkin's Unforgotten was first in mono prints and shows the Commonwealth War Graves in Bury Cemetery in a snow shower
Nigel Ladkin's Unforgotten was first in mono prints and shows the Commonwealth War Graves in Bury Cemetery in a snow shower

It has two Facebook groups at www.facebook.com/groups/bseps/ and a website at www.burystedmundsphotographicsociety.com

Dale Reynolds spent a wet weekend taking pictures of himself, fruit and a teapot to compose Fruit Tea
Dale Reynolds spent a wet weekend taking pictures of himself, fruit and a teapot to compose Fruit Tea
Chris Madden's Li River Fisherman, first place for projected digital image
Chris Madden's Li River Fisherman, first place for projected digital image