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Man taken to West Suffolk Hospital after A11 northbound, near Mildenhall, crash where vehicle overturned

A man has been hospitalised after a vehicle overturned on a major road this morning.

Emergency services, including the air ambulance, were called to the incident on the A11 northbound near Mildenhall at around 8.10am.

Fire crews extinguished a small fire which had started in the vehicle.

The A11 northbound past the Fiveways roundabout, near Mildenhall, to Elevden and Thetford, where emergency services were called to after a vehicle overturned this morning. Picture: Google Maps
The A11 northbound past the Fiveways roundabout, near Mildenhall, to Elevden and Thetford, where emergency services were called to after a vehicle overturned this morning. Picture: Google Maps

A police spokesperson said a man and a woman were inside.

A spokesperson for the ambulance service said: “One ambulance, an ambulance officer vehicle and East Anglian Air Ambulance were called to a road traffic collision on the A11 this morning.

“Two patients were assessed at the scene and one man was transported by road ambulance to West Suffolk Hospital.”