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Mildenhall plans submitted for major 1,000 homes development, off West Row Road

Plans have been submitted for a major 1,000-home development in a Suffolk town.

Outline planning permission is being sought for nearly 100ha of arable farmland along the western edge of Mildenhall, off West Row Road, to be turned into a mixed-use new neighbourhood.

Proposed by Suffolk County Council, the development would see up to 1,000 new homes being built, 30 per cent of which would be affordable, alongside a 420-place primary school, two 56-place early years facilities, and an 80-bed adult care building.

Illustrative view of the Mildenhall development. Credit: Bluepencil Designs
Illustrative view of the Mildenhall development. Credit: Bluepencil Designs

The project is expected to take up to 10 years to be completed once the first spade hits the ground at some point in the next two years, taking the construction's lifetime to 2035.

After a consultation period, however, several concerns have been raised about the development, with 58 per cent of the 180 respondents raising objections.

These included, for instance, worries about the impacts on traffic - with between 2,000 and 3,000 additional vehicles expected - plus the environmental impact and lack of job opportunities.

The application's report estimates the development will support 3,100 new jobs and provide work for 34 apprentices, graduates, or trainees.

The development also makes provision for a range of shops and community spaces to support a new local centre.

The report said: "Although not designed at this stage, the vision for the local centre is that it will provide for the day-to-day needs of the residents with the potential for the plaza in front of the shops to provide a community space for a farmers' market, a street café, pop-up stores and various community gatherings."

To deal with traffic, the application outlines the promotion of walking and cycling through different paths, as well as the creation of several bus stops to provide an accessible public transport network.

Some concerns have been raised about the design of the buildings, a detail which will be determined alongside others such as layout, scale, and landscaping during the reserved matters stage when the application comes back to councillors if outline planning permission is granted.

Planning documents also outline a commitment to use local suppliers and sub-contractors for the construction of the development.

The county council is also seeking full planning permission for the extension of James Carter Road, to form a new highway, and the construction of two junction points in Fred Dannett Road.