The Duchess of Sussex told students that black lives matter and the only wrong thing to say was nothing.
Emma Fogarty, who has a disorder known as butterfly skin, is trying to complete 36km to mark her 36th birthday later this month.
Northern Ireland Secretary Brandon Lewis suggested Alok Sharma, who has been tested for coronavirus, might have had seasonal allergies.
The IHS Markit/CIPS construction purchasing managers’ index rose to 28.9 in May from an all-time low of 8.2 in April.
The London-based pub group said it ‘expects’ to have opened its pubs by August 3, having shut all its 276 sites in March.
The Duchess of Sussex gave an impassioned address to girls graduating from her old school about the death of George Floyd.
This week 926 drive-thrus have opened, with 73 starting delivery.
He is the acting leader of the party.
Six Dexter cows have been introduced to Avon Valley Woods to help the woodland and wildlife develop, Woodland Trust says.
Car showrooms across the UK were closed for the whole of May, but have been able to reopen in England since Monday.
Starting levels of pay are falling as more people look for jobs, say recruitment agencies.
The Government said the scheme will be backdated to April and will operate until the end of 2020.
Meghan spoke to Immaculate Heart High leavers in a video call.
Liz Bonnin said the Covid-19 pandemic is an existential crisis and blamed the over-extraction of natural resources and ‘manipulation’ of wildlife.
The troubled car-maker said the move has been driven by lower-than-planned production volumes and improved productivity.
The car dealership said it was launching redundancy consultations across all areas of the group.
Meghan spoke to leavers at the Immaculate Heart High School in Los Angeles.