Newmarket Journal readers' letters to the editor
A mixture of local and national issues in this week's mail bag.
In view of the number of vacant shops on our High Street and the temporary move back to Wellington Square of the market, is it not time to consider creating a permanent indoor market?
It would also free up parking places in both areas.
A group of vacant shops, leased or bought integrated into one space, would offer current and future stall-holders the opportunity to expand there range of products.
There are gaps in the choice of items for sale in Newmarket, leaving people to travel elsewhere and further eroding our High Street and surrounding areas.
Cherry Green, Crockfords Road, Newmarket
There seems to be an increasing number of riders of electric scooters hurtling on the roads and footpaths at speeds approaching 25mph or more.
Most must be protected by their cloaks of invincibility so there is no need to wear any safety gear against falling off or crashing into motor vehicles, obviously this safety protection is a key feature of the cloaks. Let us hope this protection has a third party mode for pedestrians, buggies, and cyclists.
Another key feature of the cloaks must be the ‘invisible to police’ mode as I haven’t seen any reports of prosecutions of these illegal acts in the local press.
Name and address supplied
Following on from the suggestion made by Marcus Armytage, the racing correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, that Newmarket High Street ‘should be nuked by the North Korean leader’, may I suggest he might wish to improve the image of the High Street by being asked to turn on the Christmas lights this year.
John Scott, Old Station Road, Newmarket
I was astonished to find that the Newmarket Town Council refused to support the Newmarket British Legion by refusing to agree £300 for refreshment in the Newmarket Bowls Club for all who supported the Remembrance Service.
Funds will be found via West Suffolk Council, Andy Drummond and myself, so all is not lost.
Many gave their lives so as we could enjoy today. Please ask the people of Newmarket to turn out and support those who have gone and the services that have support us all over the last 18 months by attending the laying of wreaths at the War Memorial and the service at Tattersalls.
Cllr James Lay, West Suffolk Council
I am amazed why people in this country continue to give Boris Johnson and his cronies the benefit of the doubt given the charge sheet that is growing by the day, if not the hour:
1. Brexit – that’s worked out well hasn’t it? Fuel shortages, shelves half empty, phantom trade deals, plunging exports to EU, looming labour shortages in nearly all sectors
2. Foreign affairs – abject failure in Afghanistan leaving many thousands of trusted local staff behind
3. Covid – still have the highest case and death rates in Europe, shocking debacle at the beginning, exams fiasco Cummins, Hancock etc.
4. Continuous Dog Whistles – if in doubt don’t forget to blame a minority
Things to look forwards to in coming months include:
1. 10m+ NHS waiting lists
2. Care homes closing through staff shortages
3. COP26 failing to deliver anything meaningful
4. No turkeys at Xmas
Surely we deserve at least some basic competence not this classic omnishambles?
Jerome Walls, via email
I was delighted to see workmen busy installing one of the new, more energy efficient, LED street lights in Newmarket’s St Mary’s Square at the end of last week.
It was put up right next to the old lamp stand and it would have been nice to suppose that, with a team of workmen on the spot, the now defunct light could have been taken down and removed there and then.
I asked one of the team if that was to be the case. “It will be taken down, but not today,” was the polite reply.
So it seems another team will have to come back another day. Good to know our county Council Tax is being well spent.
Elizabeth Peabody, Exning Road, Newmarket
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