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Newmarket Journal readers' letters to the editor

Letters this week on the police element of Council Tax, roads infrastructure and High Street parking.


The Suffolk Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) wants to raise our taxes again (Journal, January 20).

In the article, the Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) Rob Jones is quoted as saying ‘improvement would be immediate and pretty dramatic this time next year’ and ‘return on investment will be really quick’.

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

The PCC said: “It’s a long term investment programme that’s not going to happen overnight.”

Which is it?

Unfortunately, there is a long history of police forces investing in technology and not delivering the promised benefit.

Firstly, what’s the betting the

£1.4 million cost we are being asked to pay will not be enough? When do such projects ever stay within budget?

Secondly, the emphasis seems to be on speed. What about quality?

Thirdly, you would hope for an independent assessment of the benefits or otherwise of this investment. Comparisons must take into account the effect of Covid and the increase in the number of officers.

Many of these types of projects are ‘doomed to succeed’ regardless of actual results.

The most important point for senior officers, who are spending tax-payers’ money, is the need to remember the promised benefits of IT are overestimated and the consequences underestimated.

John Scott, Old Station Road, Newmarket


Every week there are plans being submitted for permission to build houses, either small developments or large estates, yet no plans for new roads.

All this growth without infrastructure is a recipe for disaster. Employment, schools, health services, shops, and car parking fall short compared to the population growth.

This is forcing more traffic on to already overcrowded roads to satisfy these needs. Our town centres grind to a standstill as vehicles exhausts pollute the air with fumes.

The history of many road locations date back to the days of horse and carts and cannot cope with today’s demands. A single traffic light for a road repair can and does cause major tailbacks. With people’s lifestyles taking them to other towns for employment, a quick and direct route to a motorway is essential. In future I hope this will be a major consideration for all developments.

Name and address supplied


The other evening I was waiting in the layby, opposite the fish and chip shop, near the clock tower, for my wife to get served, when the traffic warden came up and told me that I was breaking the law and I would have to go round the block, which I did.

The point I am making is, is it time for the regulations on this particular site was reviewed so that there is limited time allowed to help the local trades who pay their rates?

There is another layby further down the High Street, which has double yellow lines that, if I am not mistaken, has signs to allow this.

I have no vested interest in any of the adjacent shops but, as a retired newsagent, I probably have sympathy with the Newsbox which had to cease trading recently. Maybe the regulations on the layby had some bearing.

We are rightly being encouraged by Love Newmarket to shop locally only for these unfair regulations to stop us.

J A Smith, via email