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Raunds pub licence to be reviewed

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No Caption ABCDE NNL-161124-140149005

A pub is to have its licence reviewed today.

An application to review the licence for the George and Dragon pub in Raunds was received by East Northants Council’s licensing enforcement officer last month.

East Northants Council’s licensing (liquor and gambling) panel will now review it at its meeting today (Monday).

A report prepared ahead of the review states: “The main reason for the review request relates to the operator of the premises failing to comply with conditions on the premises licence and the general management of the premises which the licensing enforcement officer believes is not promoting the licensing objective of preventing crime and disorder.”

Northants Police is supporting the review application, with concerns that the licensing objectives are not being promoted due to the non-compliance with the licence conditions.

The report states: “Northamptonshire Police have attended the premises since the last licensing review, which added two additional conditions, and found that a personal licence holder was not on site whilst licensable activities were taking place in breach of the licence conditions.”

A representation has also been received from Poppleston Allen Solicitors who work on behalf of Country Estates Pubs Limited, who manage the property on behalf of their client, Thackeray Property Services Limited, who are the freehold owners of the premises in High Street, Raunds.

Following today’s hearing, various actions are available to the licensing panel.

These include no action is necessary, issuing an informal warning to the licence holder and/or to recommend improvement within a particular period of time, to modify the conditions of the premises licence, or suspend the licence for a period not exceeding three months or to revoke the licence.

The licence review will be carried out by the panel on Monday (November 28).