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Stowmarket's Regal Cinema to show Paddington movie with all proceeds going to Queen's charities

The Regal Cinema in Stowmarket is screening the Paddington movie this weekend with all proceeds to be shared between two of the Queen’s charities.

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II last week, people across the nation have been remembering many of her most beloved moments, including the recent skit she took part in with Paddington Bear as part of her Platinum Jubilee Concert earlier this year.

Numerous mourners have been leaving teddy bears of the character and marmalade sandwiches among the tributes to the Queen.

The Regal on Ipswich Street, Stowmarket. Picture: Mecha Morton
The Regal on Ipswich Street, Stowmarket. Picture: Mecha Morton

The 2014 film, which stars Ben Whishaw as the voice actor behind the bear, will be screened at 1.30pm on both September 17 and 18 with all proceeds going to Age UK and Action for Children.

David Marsh, Manager of the Regal, said: ‘With the late change to the release date of Ticket to Paradise we had an opportunity to programme a different film and we really couldn’t think of anything more fitting.

"Giving families and friends the chance to see Paddington on the big screen and help a couple of the charities that the Queen supported."

Tickets are £3.00 each and can be purchased at www.regalstowmarket.co.uk