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Pupils from Mendlesham Primary School and Bacton Primary School enjoy visit from Our Animal World

A mobile zoo offered school children in Suffolk a chance to meet a host of animals including a tarantula, a scorpion and a lesser bamboo rat.

Pupils from Mendlesham Primary School and Bacton Primary School, near Stowmarket, were treated to a visit from mobile petting zoo, Our Animal World.

The children encountered creepy crawlies including Curly the tarantula, Helen the green bean stick insect, Severus the scorpion and Matilda the centipede as well as Doris the lesser bamboo rat.

Pupils got the chance to meet Curly the tarantula. Picture: JMAT
Pupils got the chance to meet Curly the tarantula. Picture: JMAT
They also learned about different adaptations each species had developed to overcome their environment. Picture: JMAT
They also learned about different adaptations each species had developed to overcome their environment. Picture: JMAT

Tessa Sait, executive head teacher of Mendlesham Primary School, said: “The children had a fantastic time and absolutely loved all the animals.

“It’s wonderful to give the children the chance to see these creatures close up, inspiring a lifelong love of the environment and the animal kingdom.

“The children absolutely loved it.”

Students also met Doris the lesser bamboo rat. Picture: JMAT
Students also met Doris the lesser bamboo rat. Picture: JMAT
Pupils from Bacton Primary School and Mendlesham Primary School had a wonderful time. Picture: JMAT
Pupils from Bacton Primary School and Mendlesham Primary School had a wonderful time. Picture: JMAT

Students learned about species adaptations, such as stick insects’ camouflage and cockroaches’ ability to survive months without food.

They also learned about life cycles including how butterflies and moths develop from pupae to adults.

Laura Jackson, owner of Our Animal World, said: “We had a lovely day at Mendlesham Primary School, the children were really engaged with our visit and loved meeting the animals.

“We find the hands-on learning really sticks with the children, they have that great experience and remember what they’ve been taught.

Our Animal World visited the students on Monday, June 10. Picture: JMAT
Our Animal World visited the students on Monday, June 10. Picture: JMAT

“The more understanding you have of animals and the environment, the more you want to protect them.

“Our goal is to encourage children to develop a love of the natural world and the environment that they keep through their lives.

“Meeting these animals can also help children with any phobias they may have, meeting an animal in a safe and controlled environment can help them overcome any fears they may have.”