664 Squadron Ground Crew working on Apache Helicopter at Sculthorpe Airfield. Apaches on target for Oman exercise Army aviators have opened fire with rockets and cannon as they prepare for a major exercise in the deserts of Oman. The Apache attack helicopters ofÊ664 Squadron, 4 Regiment ArmyÊAirÊCorps are taking part in Exercise Saif Sareea 3, which will see more than 4,000 British personnel from all three services training alongside the Omani military in October. 664 Sqn, based at Wattisham Flying Station in Suffolk, has been put through its paces this week (28 Ð 30 Aug) to confirm its readiness for Oman. Air crew carried out day and night qualification shoots with CRV-7 rockets and 30mm cannon at Holbeach Air Weapons Range in Lincolnshire, with the Apaches replenished at a Forward Arming and Refuelling Point (FARP) - the military equivalent of a Formula 1 pit stop Ð set up at Sculthorpe airfield in Norfolk. (3898849)
Attack helicopter crews from Wattisham simulated live combat scenarios over three days last week, in anticipation of a major military training exercise in the deserts of Oman later this year.
The 664 Squadron, 4 Regiment Army Air Corps, which is based at Wattisham Flying Station, was put through its paces in a training programme between Tuesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 30.
Taking part in Exercise Archers Alastor, the regiment’s Apache helicopters carried out day and night qualification shoots at Holbeach Air Weapons Range in Lincolnshire, before making an arming and refuelling stop at Sculthorpe Airfield in Norfolk.
The purpose of the training was to prepare personnel for their upcoming participation in Exercise Saif Sareera 3 in October.
Involving more than 4,000 British Armed Forces personnel working alongside the Omani military, the operation will be the first overseas exercise for many of Wattisham’s junior soldiers.
664 Squadron Ground Crew working on Apache Helicopter at Sculthorpe Airfield. Apaches on target for Oman exercise Army aviators have opened fire with rockets and cannon as they prepare for a major exercise in the deserts of Oman. The Apache attack helicopters ofÊ664 Squadron, 4 Regiment ArmyÊAirÊCorps are taking part in Exercise Saif Sareea 3, which will see more than 4,000 British personnel from all three services training alongside the Omani military in October. 664 Sqn, based at Wattisham Flying Station in Suffolk, has been put through its paces this week (28 Ð 30 Aug) to confirm its readiness for Oman. Air crew carried out day and night qualification shoots with CRV-7 rockets and 30mm cannon at Holbeach Air Weapons Range in Lincolnshire, with the Apaches replenished at a Forward Arming and Refuelling Point (FARP) - the military equivalent of a Formula 1 pit stop Ð set up at Sculthorpe airfield in Norfolk. (3898851)
Major David Mills, the commanding officer of the 664 Squadron Army Air Corps, said: “Exercise Saif Sareera is a fantastic opportunity, which will showcase the squadron’s equipment, capabilities and people.
“We’re overcoming the logistic challenges of shipping the Apache, including all of the associated equipment and munitions by sea, to Oman.
“We are ready for the complexities of maintaining the Apache in the desert and operating in support of British armoured infantry and our Omani partners.
“Before we deploy, it has been great to get the squadron out on our home turf for a final test of our skills, both on the ground and in the air, and including the first CRV7 rockets fired at Holbeach.”