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Babergh leaders set to host public Q&A event in Hadleigh

BOXFORD..Cllr John Ward was elected as leader of Babergh District Council last week. ..Picture Mark Westley. (2418657)
BOXFORD..Cllr John Ward was elected as leader of Babergh District Council last week. ..Picture Mark Westley. (2418657)

Babergh District Council’s leader and deputy leader are inviting people living and working in Hadleigh to attend a question-and-answer event this weekend.

John Ward and Jan Osborne are hosting the event in the ground floor room of The Guildhall in Market Place, opposite The Ram, on Saturday, June 9, between 10am and noon, following the success of a similar event in Sudbury in April.

"We are looking forward to meeting as many people as possible at the event and answering their questions about the council’s work and services," said Mr Ward.

"We want to start conversations with more people who live and work in Babergh about the issues important to them.

"This event is a great opportunity for us to explain more about what the council does and about our roles as councillors."