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Decision looms for former slaughter house development

Latest news from the Suffolk Free Press, suffolkfreepress.co.uk, @sfpsudbury on Twitter
Latest news from the Suffolk Free Press, suffolkfreepress.co.uk, @sfpsudbury on Twitter

A planning application for six houses on the site of a former slaughter house in Bures St Mary has sparked concern over traffic.

The proposals for two two-bedroom houses and four three-bedroom houses on Cuckoo Hill is due to be decided by Babergh District Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.

The planning officer has recommended the committee grant planning permission, despite objection from Bures St Mary Parish Council and residents.

The parish council described the proposal as “an over development of an awkwardly positioned site”.

It said the provision of only two parking spaces was inadequate and would exacerbate the existing traffic issues on Cuckoo Hill.

After an assessment by highways engineers, however, the planning officer has deemed the proposed on-site parking and arrangements as acceptable.

The parish council also highlighted concerns about the lack of educational provision – Bures Primary School is full – after the recent housing development at Pykes Marsh.

The application, which was submitted in August last year, has been revised by the applicant after the initial proposal for six houses in 2011 was rejected by the committee.