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Traffic delays in King Street, Newton Road and on the A131 in Sudbury after lorry break down near the Pied Cow

Drivers in Sudbury town centre experienced delays this morning after a lorry broke-down.

Police were called to the breakdown in Girling Street at about 8.55am, responding to reports of a vehicle blocking the one-way system.

The AA traffic map showed slow moving traffic in King Street, Newton Road and on the A131 - in the area around the Pied Cow pub.

There are delays in Sudbury town centre. Picture: Google
There are delays in Sudbury town centre. Picture: Google

A police spokeswoman said a mechanic was called to the scene to fix the lorry, which was able to move on at 10.15am.

The road is now open however according to the AA traffic map there are still delays in the town centre.