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Festive fun fills the air at Boxford Christmas Fayre as £1,800 raised for local causes

The festive spirit was alive and well in Boxford at the weekend, as community organisations combined once again for a traditional festive fete.

For the second year running, St Mary’s Church, Boxford Market and the Friends of Boxford School teamed up for the village’s Christmas fair on Sunday, helping to raise funds for good causes.

Spread across the church and the village hall, the event included a Santa’s grotto, a food, gifts and crafts market, and a Christmas tree festival, before ending with a carol service.

Boxford Festive Fayre and Christmas Market took place in the village hall and the Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary's Church. Elspeth Aves, Erin and Rory Stacey and Isabella Morgan in Santa's grotto with the elves. Picture: Mark Westley
Boxford Festive Fayre and Christmas Market took place in the village hall and the Christmas Tree Festival in St Mary's Church. Elspeth Aves, Erin and Rory Stacey and Isabella Morgan in Santa's grotto with the elves. Picture: Mark Westley

The Rev Rob Parker-McGee, rector of the Box River Benefice, said the fair raised in the region of £1,800 to support initiatives run by St Mary’s Church, including the Boxford community Christmas lunch.

“It was a wonderful success,” he told Suffolk News. “We had many hundreds of people through the door.

“We couldn’t have hoped for it to be more successful.”