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Former teacher from Lavenham begins new chapter with launch of new children's book

An engaging children’s book is encouraging youngsters to use their initiative to help them tackle challenging obstacles.

Composed by Lavenham resident June Linscott, Merve the Forgetful Mouse highlights the importance of boosting a child’s confidence to equip them with the key skills required to solve a demanding task.

During the tale, Merve, who is an inquisitive young rodent, decides to leave his home in the attic to embark on a daring adventure.

June Linscott has published her first children book...PICTURE: Mecha Morton.. (39386429)
June Linscott has published her first children book...PICTURE: Mecha Morton.. (39386429)

After the youngster strays too far from home, he gets lost in a large house and has to avoid being spotted by the owner, Miss Silly Frog, and her pets, Marmalade and Marmite.

Desperate to return home, Merve explores a range of routes until he successfully finds his way back to the attic.

Having worked as a headteacher at a private nursery in Essex for 12 years, Mrs Linscott was keen to emphasise the importance of embracing a range of learning techniques to promote development.

“I saw some really struggle with a system that encouraged them to do things just one way,” said the 73-year-old. “But everyone is different.

“The good thing about the story is that it shows there are other ways of learning.

While working as a nursery teacher, Mrs Linscott used to encourage her children to develop their vocabulary by asking them to choose a series of words, which she would then incorporate into her own poem.

“I would go home and write it, and then read it out the next day,” she said. “They absolutely loved it; we used to put it up on the board.”

Alongside her teaching career, Mrs Linscott provided support for her son, Barnaby, who was diagnosed with dyslexia, a learning disorder that can impact a child’s ability to read and write.

“He had to learn to do things in a different way and learn not to give up,” said Mrs Linscott, of The Glebe.

Before writing the book, Mrs Linscott gained a range of key skills after enrolling on a writing course.

She has been a member of a Sudbury writing group – run by the University of the Third Age (U3A) – for five years, with the new book illustrated by fellow group member Rosie Perkins, a Cavendish artist.

To buy a copy of Merve the Forgetful Mouse, go online to Amazon.