Green Party's deputy leader set to address members at meeting in Boxford
The deputy leader of the Green Party says Suffolk has become one of the greenest counties politically in England, ahead of her meeting with party members in Boxford tomorrow.
Amelia Womack is set to speak at The Fleece pub in Broad Street on Wednesday evening, to discuss local and national matters with new and old Green Party members.
Her visit comes after the Greens won four seats on Babergh District Council at the recent local elections, making it the second largest party, after previously having no councillors on the authority.
She said: “Following the local elections, Suffolk has become one of the politically greenest counties in the country, with all four districts having Green councillors.
“Our nationwide success in that election, which saw us more than double our council numbers, was helped by the rising awareness of the climate crisis.
“But our success here, as in so much else of the country, only came because of years of hard work by a few individuals looking after their local communities.”
Robert Lindsay, who leads the newly-formed Green group on Babergh District Council, added: “We have had quite a rush of new members and supporters in recent weeks.
“We thought it was a good time to get everyone together, both to hear their views on what they think their new councillors should be doing and to hear the bigger picture across the country from Amelia, following the European parliamentary elections.”