New landlords raise toast to re-opening of North Street Tavern in Sudbury
A husband-and-wife team say they are delighted to be reinstating a pub to the heart of the community in Sudbury.
Peter and Jo Edwards have been appointed as the new landlords of The North Street Tavern, which will reopen on Friday following a major refurbishment.
Having lived in the town for two decades and managed pubs in Essex, London and Hertfordshire, the couple were keen to run an establishment in the town.
“The pub industry has always been part of our lives and we absolutely love Sudbury,” said Mrs Edwards. “We raised our son here and we wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.
“We know we have large shoes to fill but we can’t wait to put our experience to good use.
“We’ll be making some changes, but we’d like to reassure regulars that the North Street Tavern will always be the traditional, community pub that they know and love.”
As part of the £112,923 refurbishment, the garden area has been renovated to enable wheelchair access.
Praising the project, Mark McGinty, managing director of Hawthorn Leisure, which owns the site, said: “We want the North Street Tavern to be a thriving hub in the community.
“With Peter and Jo’s extensive knowledge of the local area and their overall experience in the industry, we’re certain it will be a huge success.”
He added: “We’ve modernised the pub to make it more of a destination on the high street in Sudbury, but, at its heart, the North Street Tavern will always be a traditional, community pub.”