A group of pupils from Ormiston Sudbury Academy at Thomas Gainsborough School in Great Cornard were digging deep for clues into Long Melford’s past this week.
The 30 pupils joined volunteers from Long Melford Heritage Centre and Stour Valley Community Archaeology for the dig at The Old School which was led by Access Cambridge Archaeology.
Despite sweltering temperatures on Tuesday, the group were able to discover some pieces of Anglo Saxon pottery, again found under the village green.
Rob Simpson, founder of the heritage centre and amateur local historian, said: “The mounting evidence suggests is that the lost Long Melford Anglo Saxon settlement is almost certainly under the village green, and this is good news for the villages history records.
“It was a really good day, extremely hot so it was quite challenging but everybody worked really hard and we got much further than usual.
“It’s a great way of encouraging people to find out more about archaeology and history.”
With the sun bating down everybody was very grateful for refreshments provided by the village East of England Co-op.