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Compass Community School Eld Park in Thetford is rated ‘good’ in all areas by Ofsted

A newly-opened special school where pupils receive individually-tailored guidance to help them continue to develop socially and emotionally has been rated ‘good’ in all areas by Ofsted.

Compass Community School Eld Park, in Thetford, had its first standard inspection by the regulator last month after being registered in June 2023.

Pupils at the school usually have an EHC (education, health and care) plan and Eld Park is able to admit children between the ages of seven and 17.

Ofsted inspected an independent special school in Thetford last month
Ofsted inspected an independent special school in Thetford last month

The Ofsted inspection report said adults have high expectations of pupils, there is a well-considered personal, health, social and economic (PSHE) curriculum, and pupils are prepared well for life in the wider world through a range of activities.

It also said pupils’ future aspirations are carefully considered by adults, and all of the current Year 11 pupils have secured places on college courses to follow their career ambitions.

The report said: “Pupils benefit from the warm and supportive relationships that run through the school.

“Most arrive with a negative view of education. Adults swiftly get to know pupils and find out what makes them tick. This means pupils quickly see themselves as individuals, embracing and valuing who they truly are.

“High-quality therapeutic provision means that pupils receive individually-tailored guidance to help them continue to develop socially and emotionally. Adults want the very best for pupils.”

Ofsted also said most pupils live up to the high expectations, behaving well and working hard, but when pupils’ behaviour falls below what is expected, adults guide and support them well to put things right.

The adults were also praised for providing helpful guidance to pupils about how to build their independence.

While pupils typically join the school with significant gaps in their knowledge - because of the disjointed education they have experienced in the past – the school has designed a curriculum that effectively sets about helping them learn the important knowledge they have missed.

Ofsted said pupils learn well because the curriculum is well matched to their abilities and targets in their EHC plans.

In further praise, the report said ‘the proprietor board and governors work in harmony’ and ‘the strong oversight ensures that the school meets all the independent school standards’.

It added: “The buildings and school grounds are well kept and safe. They provide pupils with a rich environment in which to thrive.”

The proprietor body is Compass Community Ltd, which provides a range of services for children nationally, including other registered schools.

To improve further, Ofsted said Eld Park should focus on ensuring pupils who need extra help with reading get the precise support they need.

And, as some staff do not have consistently well-developed subject or pedagogical knowledge, the school should continue to provide training and support for staff to ensure they deliver the ambitious curriculum to the standard leaders expect.

At the time of the inspection, there were nine pupils registered at Eld Park between the ages of 12 and 16.