Breckland Council reviews draft budget for 2025/26 financial year, which would see Band D Council Tax increase of £4.95
A district council has drafted a budget which it said would protect core services, despite public spending pressures and rising inflation.
Breckland Council's Cabinet reviewed the annual budget for the next financial year during its meeting yesterday.
The budget is balanced, meaning planned expenditures align with expected income, and maintains core services with no cuts.
The budget includes a Council Tax increase of £4.95 for a Band D property, bringing the total to approximately £119 per year for district council services such as bin collections, street cleaning, planning assessments, licensing and housing support.
Around 75 per cent of homes in the district fall into bands A-C, so most residents will see a smaller increase in their annual bill.
Cllr Phil Cowen, executive member for finance, revenue and benefits, said: "Breckland Council is proposing a balanced budget designed to not only protect core services but also the wide range of discretionary services provided to residents, communities and businesses, even amidst growing public spending pressures and rising inflation.
“This draft budget upholds the standard of services our residents deserve and enables the district's continued prosperity."
Residents can take part in a public consultation on the budget until January 23.
Feedback will be considered before the final budget is presented to full council next month.
For more information, visit the council's offices in Dereham or Thetford, or visit the consultations page on the Breckland Council website.