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Dad’s Army Statue of Captain Mainwaring, in Thetford, set to be given new glasses following vandalism

A Thetford statue depicting an iconic BBC TV show character is set to be given a new set of glasses after they were vandalised last year.

The spectacles of the Dad’s Army Captain Mainwaring statue, which sits on a bench in Bridge Street, were squashed in March last year.

But the Dad’s Army Museum in the town has announced that the repairs will take place soon.

The damage caused to the Captain Mainwaring statue in Thetford. Picture submitted
The damage caused to the Captain Mainwaring statue in Thetford. Picture submitted

Heather Kempton, talking on the museum’s Facebook page, said: “We opened a fundraiser and raised sufficient funds for the replacement and repairs to be carried out. That’s thanks to the generosity of Dads Army fans around the world.

“I have been in constant talks with the foundry who are planning to visit Thetford next month to remove the damaged pair and replace them with a new set that have now been made.

“There was a delay due to the workload of the foundry - they are incredibly busy and that is testament to the quality of their work.

“So on behalf of the museum I would like to thank everyone that donated and made the replacement possible.”