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From Zoom to bloom, Lauren Small explains how Butterworth & Son, of Bury St Edmunds, is protecting the hospitality industry through digital platforms

The world is facing a pandemic that has hit multiple industries and brought the economy to its knees. One of the most impacted sectors has been hospitality, with more than 560,000 due to lose their jobs or face a huge reduction in their income by the end of the year.

Many young individuals were relying on this industry to pay their way through formal education, or begin their independent lives. With the vast amount of this community hoping that making cappuccinos on the regular was going to guarantee this, we must begin taking the next steps towards ensuring not only does our beloved coffee industry continue to thrive, but these individuals are protected during the current climate.

How can we do this? How can we continue to grow the trade when the days of mingling in coffee shops and walking through farmers’ markets have come to a grinding halt?

Butterworth & Son (42890771)
Butterworth & Son (42890771)

The most obvious approach I can think of is to fully embrace the digital world. We have hundreds of platforms at our fingertips. Platforms that promote connection and encourage growth, for not only businesses but individuals.

Since lockdown was first imposed around the globe, the coffee industry has focused on a new demographic: Home brewers.

With the general coffee drinking population now stuck indoors, they have turned to perfecting and enjoying brews at home. The online world has given this community the resources they need to produce the standard of coffee they are used to consuming. From Zoom meetings, to Instagram live and from YouTube tutorials to podcasts, the digital world has proven vital in maintaining the rate at which coffee is consumed.

We at Butterworth & Son are looking to tap into these platforms and provide our customers with videos and information that can be accessed at the touch of a button. By ensuring our quality coffee arrives at your front door, and providing online tutorials for a perfect brew, we intend to continue growing and adapting in the ever changing Covid world.

Butterworth & Son coffee roasters and tea smiths, based on Moreton Hall

Owner Rob Butterworth’s job takes him around the world visiting coffee farms to source great coffees

See butterworthandson.co.uk