If lockdown has encouraged you to get on your bike as a new form of exercise, then why not take part in this year’s Ride and Stride event keeping up your fitness levels while raising funds for Suffolk’s churches
Each year on the second Saturday of September, cyclists and walkers set out across the county on a sponsored journey from church to church. Money raised is used for building repair and maintenance of Suffolk’s churches and chapels, with proceeds shared equally between the Suffolk Historic Churches Trust for future grant giving and the participants’ chosen church.
The Ride and Stride’s sister event, Pedal and Drive, for vintage and classic cars, will also go ahead – both adapting for whatever Covid-19 guidelines dictate at the time.
Everyone taking part in Ride and Stride can choose their own route and visit as many or as few churches as they wish, on foot, bike or mobility scooter.
Patrick Grieve, Chairman of Suffolk Churches Ride and Stride, said: “Churches and chapels are now open for services provided government guidelines for sensible health precautions are followed, and two or three people cycling together in the Suffolk countryside or walking in our towns should be perfectly safe. Not all churches may be open for Ride and Stride this year but if a church is not manned, riders and walkers will simply log the name of the church themselves.
“Since most people are sponsored per event rather than per church this shouldn’t be a problem, and sponsorship can also be collected via JustGiving.
“Many more people are walking and cycling since the lockdown, so this event will give them an ideal focus for their efforts. It is a free event and we just ask for you to get sponsored by your friends and family.”
Trust chairman Geoffrey Probert outlined why it’s an important time for churches. “Fundraising to repair these beautiful Suffolk churches has been halted because of Covid and this is a way to help them. Indeed, we hope that those supporters who do feel comfortable taking to their bikes will make every effort to get extra sponsorship this year.”
Sponsor forms are now available. For more details of the Ride and Stride, contact the local organiser for your area via the local church or visit shct.org.uk.
With the cancellation of many car rallies this year, owners of vintage and classic cars in Suffolk will no doubt welcome the opportunity to join in Pedal and Drive on the same day. The format will be the same as last year with each driver allocated one of half a dozen historic houses to assemble at before making their way across Suffolk, stopping at a few churches to answer quiz questions, on the way to gathering on the Upper Green at Long Melford. Car owners need to fill in an entry form available under Pedal & Drive at shct.org.uk.
The organisers will be following government guidelines. “If the Covid situation was to deteriorate to the extent that it became unwise to go ahead, we will not hesitate to cancel and get the word out there,” explained Mr Probert. “If you are uncertain whether the event is still going ahead, please check on shct.org.uk. But we very much hope it will be full steam ahead.”