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CCTV footage released after theft from Woodbridge church St Mary the Virgin

Police have released CCTV footage of a man they would like to speak to in connection with a burglary in Woodbridge.

In the early hours of March 12, someone was spotted breaking into St Mary the Virgin church, in Church Street, and stealing the contents of a donation box.

The incident was reported between 2.10am and 2.30am.

Have you seen this man? Picture: Suffolk Police
Have you seen this man? Picture: Suffolk Police
If you have, get in touch with Suffolk Police. Picture: Suffolk Police
If you have, get in touch with Suffolk Police. Picture: Suffolk Police

The alleged culprit also tried to drill open a safe, but was unsuccessful.

As a result, police are keen to speak to the man shown in the footage in relation to the theft.

Anyone who believes they know the man in question or who has any information on the incident, should get in touch with PC 5102 Holly Lennon at the South Response Investigation Team, quoting crime reference 14085/24.