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Bid to convert 190 High Street, in Newmarket, which was formerly offices to three apartments approved by West Suffolk Council

A bid to create three new homes in former town centre offices have been given the go ahead.

West Suffolk Council approved the plans from Jin Dosanjh for 190 High Street, in Newmarket, on Tuesday.

The semi-detached building, which stretches across three floors and is currently vacant, will be converted to create three apartments.

West Suffolk Council approved plans to convert 190 High Street, in Newmarket, from offices to three apartments on Tuesday. Picture: Google Maps
West Suffolk Council approved plans to convert 190 High Street, in Newmarket, from offices to three apartments on Tuesday. Picture: Google Maps

The inside of the building separates the floors so the conversion will be simple, according to a planning statement, as well as meaning there is no need to alter the outside of it.

The council’s conversation officer said 190 High Street was a building ‘of local importance’ but as there were no alterations planned to the street-facing side of the building they had no objection to the plans.

The Stocksbridge Stables is at the back of the site.

The Jockey Club requested that, if the plans were allowed, the developers liaised with it regarding the time of any noisy work.

It also added the importance of the access to the stables being kept clear at all times.

Newmarket Town Council did not comment on the application.

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Planners recommended the application be approved subject to conditions on construction hours, cycle storage and bin storage.