An MP said he hopes a solution can be found as a service station off the A14 remains open almost a month after it was told to shut.
There is a renewed drive to tackle problem pavements in a town through a scheme that targets defects that fall below the county’s intervention level.
A town church has placed its community centre on the market for £500,000.
A maximum increase of an authority's Council Tax was 'truly necessary' to avoid difficult decisions, a finance lead has said.
Villagers are bracing themselves for a new 43-mile diversion route - with calls it should be postponed.
The UK's best-selling classical artist has reflected on his 'rollercoaster' career as he prepares to celebrate 25 years in the spotlight.
A village school, where pupils are enthusiastic about their learning, maintained its high standards in its latest Ofsted report.
Here’s how one accountancy firm is helping farmers following the first Labour Budget in late October