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St Mary’s Church in Burwell, near Newmarket, hit with £1,000 bill as vandals strike at Christmas tree festival

A village church is facing an initial insurance bill of £1,000 after vandals broke in and wrecked its Christmas tree festival.

Just a few hours after the Sunday communion service at St Mary’s Church in Burwell was over and the festival had welcomed visitors to admire the many displays created by a number of the village’s different groups, clubs and charities, the 15th century church was broken into and serious damage caused.

A leaded window was smashed scattering glass all over an area used by children during services, decorated trees were thrown on to the floor and a lectionary containing Bible readings for the church service was torn.

One of the specially decorated Christmas trees deliberately knocked over by vandals
One of the specially decorated Christmas trees deliberately knocked over by vandals

“Last week we spent a lovely afternoon with local children decorating the big Christmas tree,” said the Rev Canon Eleanor Williams, “and it was so very sad to see that it had been pulled over.”

She said the church had had to remain closed to give time for the damage to be fully assessed, but it was hoped to reopen yesterday for the 10.30am service and then to remain open until 4pm daily for visitors to look round the Christmas Tree Festival exhibits which will be on display until Christmas.

Tonight’s concert by professional harpist and singer Lucy Bunce will go ahead as planned and Mrs Williams said she hoped as many people as possible would support the event which starts at 7.30pm.

A church book which was torn
A church book which was torn

“We will know later on if some of the damage caused will be covered by our insurance, but one way people could support us is by coming along this Thursday evening,” she said. The church had since been informed it would have to pay the first £1,000 of any claim.

Tickets for the concert are £10 and can either be purchased on the door, or at Burwell Post Office or CentrePeace in The Causeway. Refreshments, including mulled wine will also be available from 7pm, when visitors can also view the Christmas Tree Festival.

If anyone has any information about the break-in or CCTV footage, please contact the Rev Canon Dr Eleanor Williams on vicar@stmarysburwell.org.uk