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Councillors’ efforts set to see safety improved at Boy’s Grave junction, in Moulton, between Newmarket and Kentford

Signage is set to be improved at an accident-prone junction near Newmarket thanks to pressure from councillors.

The Boy’s Grave junction at Moulton, between Norwich Road, School Road and the Bury Road – between Newmarket and Kentford – has been the scene of a number of accidents over the past decade.

Just a few hours after members of Moulton and Kentford parish councils met county and district councillors and highways engineers at the junction on Friday, November 29 there was yet another collision.

Cllr Andy Drummond, right, with parish councillor and county council representatives at the crossing on Friday
Cllr Andy Drummond, right, with parish councillor and county council representatives at the crossing on Friday

District and county councillor Andy Drummond, who had offered to help fund improvements from his county councillor’s locality budget, said: “I’m pleased to report that Cllr Paul West, Suffolk County Council’s cabinet member for operational highways, has agreed that the highways engineer should draw up plans to improve the signage at the junction and that these improvements, including a refresh of the road markings, should be completed within three months.”

However, following Friday’s meeting Cllr West confirmed work would be funded from the council’s additional signs budget

And MP Nick Timothy, who could not attend the meeting as he was taking part in the vote over the assisted dying bill at the House of Commons, but who sent his representative, said: “It is deeply concerning that so many collisions have happened at this junction.

The junction showing the sign damaged in yet another collision
The junction showing the sign damaged in yet another collision

“Unfortunately, another crash over the weekend has once more shown the need for effective action to improve safety for those using the crossing.

“I know Suffolk County Council is aware of the problem and it was great that senior members of their highways team joined residents recently to see the crossing for themselves, along with representatives from National Highways and the police.

“Congratulations to Moulton Parish Council for organising the inspection and for bringing people together to address this. The residents have my full support in pushing for measures to boost safety. I hope the necessary improvements can be made soon."

Councillors pointed out that Norwich Road was narrow, with larger vehicles having to drive on the verge to pass. During the site visit they saw a large number of lorries using the road, which is littered with potholes.

It is not a designated lorry route, but councillors said drivers used it to avoid a detour via Newmarket.

They did not want the road closed, but said it had become dangerous for drivers because of the number of potholes. They said two lorries meeting at the junction was also tricky as there was not enough space.

They also stressed that in the long term the future usage of Norwich Road needed to be considered, particularly in the light of the proposal to build hundreds of new homes on the nearby former Animal Health Trust site which, if it went ahead, would add to the problem.